When you are madly in love with a girl, you want to keep your girlfriend happy. Not out of any obligation but out of the love you have for her. A healthy relationship can’t survive with just good chemistry. It also requires small gestures like asking her how her day went and making sure she gets adequate sleep every night. With the help of our 20 tips, even you can be the perfect boyfriend and make her feel special.

How To Be A Better Boyfriend?

Before we can answer this question, there are other questions we need to ask as well. According to you, what are the qualities of a good boyfriend? What are his duties toward a girlfriend? Only by keeping your answers in mind can you start to become the best boyfriend. Below, we will take you through the qualities and traits that a loving and caring boyfriend possesses, along with the duties that you will need to carry out. By following these 20 tips, you can be a loving boyfriend and make your girlfriend feel loved and special. 

1. Treat her with respect

Let’s start with one of the simple things yet a top priority in strong and healthy relationships — Respect. This is one of the founding pillars of a relationship that makes the other person feel warm. Respect is giving your girlfriend the extra love and attention she deserves. Some of the other ways you can treat your girlfriend with respect include:

An honest boyfriend will never try to exploit his girlfriend sexually  He knows when to be funny and when to act serious He talks to her in a courteous way He points her strengths and cherishes her He doesn’t flirt with other girls 

2. Text her back

Sometimes it’s all about texting her back. The two of you are away from each other and busy with your own lives. This could be because of personal reasons or work-related issues. Just drop a message saying you miss her or you’re thinking about her. Text her to keep her interested. This will fill her heart with love and concern for you. When the two of you are texting to and fro, don’t make her wait for your messages just to see if she chases you. This is one of the relationship turn-offs. This doesn’t mean you have to be glued to your phone waiting for her text. Whenever the two of you are engaged in a chat, reply to her quickly and consistently.

3. Be spontaneous

If you have been dating her for quite some time, then it’s natural to become comfortable. However, don’t let comfort become a roadblock to a healthy relationship. One of the ways to get out of stagnation is by surprising her with flowers and brownies once in a while. Things like that will make your girlfriend happy. Gift ideas for your girlfriend don’t have to be expensive and extravagant either. Inexpensive gifts from time to time will make you look like the perfect boyfriend ever. 

4. Genuinely listen when she is talking

How to be a better boyfriend? Pause the game, put your mobile phone on silent, and genuinely listen when she is talking to you. It is important to be a good listener because a good relationship is all about making each other feel seen and heard. Listening to her doesn’t mean offering rational answers either. She is living her own life and she can handle problems on her own. All you have to do is provide a shoulder for her to lean on and speak her heart out. Guys usually don’t bother about these things, but it can be a big deal for women when their boyfriends don’t listen.

5. Don’t just listen. Understand her

To listen to your girlfriend’s worries and woes isn’t a big deal. You can sit and hear her out as your mind wanders. Anybody could do that. To be the perfect boyfriend, you have to understand what she’s saying and where she’s coming from. Here are some tips you can use to become an understanding boyfriend:

Listen to her without judging her Be more empathetic Listen to the silence and the pauses as well Be aware of her feelings Don’t impose your ideas, thoughts, and beliefs

6. Take responsibility for your words and actions

There are few things more attractive to a woman than a man who takes responsibility for his actions. Being able to understand when you are wrong is one of the traits of a great boyfriend. Acknowledge your mistakes when you make them so that you can work on them. Assuming responsibility for your actions will make you a caring and responsible boyfriend. For example, if you want to be a cool yet caring boyfriend over text, make sure you text her that you’re busy instead of seeing her message and just not replying. If you can say, “I am sorry, I was busy”, easily she would appreciate you for your honesty and your ability to own up for your mistakes. You should be able to apologize spontaneously without thinking too much. That will make you really endearing to her.

7. Don’t try to win every single argument

Win her heart, not arguments. A perfect boyfriend would never indulge in saying hurtful things in a relationship just to win one argument. This goes for both boyfriends and girlfriends. The purpose of a disagreement is to reach an agreement without yelling at each other and trying to understand each other’s standpoint.  Arguments are bound to take place in a committed relationship. But if you make it a point to win every single argument, the conflict will only result in tougher times. Minimize the hurt you are going to cause by avoiding the blame game.

8. Be affectionate every day

You don’t have to indulge in excessive adoration all the time. Just one kiss on the forehead every day is enough to make her feel appreciated and loved. At the same time, a lack of affection can result in a lot of problems between couples. Be affectionate even in front of friends and family. This will let her know that you are proud of her and aren’t embarrassed to show her off.  Some other ways of being affectionate in a healthy relationship include:

Cuddle Hold her hand Give her a good massage

9. How to be a good boyfriend? Don’t be controlling

An affectionate boyfriend will never control her girlfriend. He will make her feel free in the relationship. This relationship advice will change your life – You need to encourage her to be herself and you need to support that. When she feels like you’re a super jealous boyfriend, there is no way you will be a boyfriend she is proud to have. Don’t try to make decisions for her. This includes the people she interacts with or the decisions she makes about her life. If there is something women hate, it’s a man who doesn’t trust them to decide for themselves. By letting her decide for herself what she wants, you will also positively impact her mental health. 

10. Become her best friend

There is nothing more beautiful than finding friendship and love in one person. Because relationships are more than just about having good sex and buying each other gifts. It’s about listening to their tantrums after a bad day. It’s about picking them up when they feel down. It’s about listening to your partner bitch about her friends. If you feel like friendship is lacking in your relationship, then spend time with your girlfriend. Get to know her even better and be there for her when she needs a friend. 

11. Inculcate altruistic behavior

Altruism is one of the sexiest qualities a man can have. Believe it or not but altruism in men is better than good looks and a sense of humor. Even studies have consistently shown that altruism is a top quality women are drawn to when they are looking for a relationship. It even increases men’s chances of mating.  Altruism is all about being concerned about others’ well-being. It includes our everyday gestures including paying attention to someone, offering your seat to someone, and buying someone food. It’s the little acts of kindness that matter the most in a committed relationship.

12. How to be a good boyfriend? Show vulnerability

Stimulate vulnerability in your relationship if you want to be the perfect boyfriend. Don’t resist vulnerability by thinking you are safeguarding yourself from heartbreak. When you become more vulnerable with your partner, you develop emotional intimacy that can’t be broken easily.  It will also positively impact your partner’s well-being. They will start opening up to you as well. Human beings are afraid of being vulnerable because they think it makes them look weak. But a great relationship can’t be formed without being vulnerable with each other.

13. Don’t use those vulnerabilities against her

Don’t be a bad boyfriend by using her vulnerabilities against her. If she shared her trauma and weaknesses from past relationships with you, it’s because she loves you and thought you would be her secret keeper. Don’t be an opportunist and use them as ammunition against her. Couples argue but that doesn’t mean you will use this as an excuse to throw her vulnerabilities on her face and make her feel sorry for sharing them with you.

14. Be willing to compromise

One of the qualities of a good relationship is where both partners compromise equally. There’s a big difference between compromise and sacrifice. Don’t confuse the two and let someone walk all over you. Try to make her life easier by compromising and meeting in the middle. If both of you compromise equally, it’s one of the signs you are meant to be together. She wants to eat Chinese and watch a movie of her choice? Eat Chinese but watch a movie of your choice. This way, you both compromise and you both get to do something you love. Compromising is really not that difficult, guys! 

15. Give her space

When you love someone, you want to spend all your time with them. But don’t make them feel trapped in the relationship. A healthy relationship is where you give your partner the space and alone time she deserves. Being around your girlfriend all day can sometimes cause more harm than good. Be a better partner and let her have her space. If she wants to hang out with her friends or go on a solo trip, don’t be bitter about it. 

16. Help her with household chores

If you are living together, then this is the best relationship advice you will ever receive. Your girlfriend isn’t going to look after you. Firstly, don’t expect her to. She’s not your mother. Such non-verbal ways of showing care will strengthen your bond.  Not having a partner who is willing to do his share of chores is one of the problems most women face in their relationships. Be a perfect boyfriend by helping her with household chores. Share the load. If she’s cooking, then you do the dishes. If she’s doing the laundry, you go get the groceries. 

17. Show interest in the things she is interested in

A good partner will focus more on their partner’s life rather than focusing on his own life. In a committed relationship, you have to show interest in the things your girlfriend likes. It doesn’t matter if you don’t like going to the museum. Just take her there. Walk around with her while holding hands. Be a good listener and listen to her talk about her love for art. Pay attention to how her eyes light up when she looks at those paintings. This will strengthen your bond and you will become the world’s best boyfriend in no time!

18. Prioritize her pleasure

There is no denying that good sex is one of the key factors in having a healthy relationship. Make your current girlfriend feel loved by having a good physical connection. Pay attention to what she likes in bed. Don’t be selfish in bed and make it all about you. Learn how to satisfy a woman in bed by starting with a kiss and ending with the big O. Talk to her about it. Ask her what would make her feel good. Studies have found only 18% of women can reach orgasm from vaginal penetration alone. So, don’t just consider intercourse as physical intimacy. It’s about touching and playing with each other.

19. Learn their attachment style

Each person has their own attachment style that is based on their past experiences and childhood. By learning what her attachment style is, you will be able to become a better partner for her. For example, if she has an anxious attachment style, she will need a lot of reassurance of your love, both verbal and non-verbal reassurance. 

20. Be willing to grow in the relationship

This is one of the proven ways you show your love. Some men run away when they see a relationship getting serious. Don’t be a bad boyfriend and run away from the thought of commitment and marriage. Be the kind of man your girlfriend would be proud to show off. Help each other become better people by growing mentally, intellectually, and financially together. A healthy relationship is all about growing and glowing together. These are some of the little things you do for the person you love. Make her your top priority and be there for her consistently. Become her support system. Don’t ever let her feel like she is alone in this world. Accept her for who she is and don’t judge her when she makes an error in her way of being. With these tips, you will not only become a great boyfriend, but you will also become an irreplaceable one!

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