Interestingly, much as we may like to think that this sad reality is ubiquitous only in the western world, there is a rampant increase of date rape cases in India also. Youngsters, who rely on smartphones and dating apps to find love and romantic connections, are the most vulnerable to this risk.

What Is Date Rape?

Date rape is a form of dating violence that has been on the rise lately. Sex is coerced by a friend, online dating prospect, a romantic interest or someone one simply goes out with by threatening violence, putting someone under the influence of alcohol or date rape drug or blackmail. Read the following anecdote to understand further how the most innocent situations can result in date rape too:

A friend’s party invitation

Shreya was a lively, ferociously independent 24-year-old girl, who lived with her sister, Akshita. Akshita was her best friend, partner-in-crime and knew every friend and their stories too. Brianna had bought a new dress for the New Year’s party. The girl to go-to for the best women fashion tips and trends, she couldn’t wait to put it on and dazzle all her friends. Her good friend Meet had planned a dance party in one of the city’s prominent hotels with Aarav, an acquaintance she met a couple of times during work breaks. Her sis, Akshita, said she looked beautiful in her skirt and shining tank top. Meet came to pick her up and Shreya waved excitedly to her sis, little knowing what was in store for her. Once at the party, she met five other friends of Meet from his school days. Given her lively demeanor and the fact that she knew Meet so well, she let down her guard and started enjoying herself.

Can I get you a drink?

She didn’t mind when one of the friends, whose father owned that hotel, got her a drink of his choice. But little did she know that the choice was related to the drug he used, not the type of drink. Within a couple of minutes, she felt she couldn’t even stand straight, and so Aarav helped her out of that place and took her to one of the rooms. At 3:45 am, her sister got a call to pick Shreya up from a nearby gas station. She was lying undressed in the backseat of a car, bite marks and cigarette butt burns covering her whole torso, and bleeding profusely. They approached the cops, an inconsolable Shreya tried to remember the horrific experience and painful torture. Though Akshita stayed strong and got the offenders behind bars in spite of their influential family backing, Shreya couldn’t bear the stigmatization of society, police interrogations and the trauma of the friend’s betrayal. She committed suicide within 15 days of the incident.

What Are Date Rape Drugs?

A date rape drug or club drug or predator’s drug are some of the common names of these drugs used to commit such crimes. To name a few:

Rohypnol (Roofies): It has two medical names, Clonazepam and Alprazolam. It comes in pill and powder form that dissolves in liquid, dyes clear liquid blue and hard liquor cloudy. But if dissolved in cola or any dark soft drink, it is hard to identify. It starts taking effect within 10 minutes of ingestion and stays in effect for 8 to 15 hoursGHB (Gamma Hydroxy Butyrate): It is the most commonly used drug for date rape. It comes in liquid form and is odorless and colorless. Though it has a strong salty taste, if mixed with sweet soft drinks, it can be camouflaged. It can be absorbed into the skin by applying to jewellery, cards or keys“Ecstasy” or club drug: This is a psychoactive drug used primarily as a recreational drug. It comes in powdered form, pills or capsules

Get yourself medically examined

If you are a victim or get to know someone who’s been a victim of such sexual assault or sexual harassment, then you should be aware that a proper medical examination is crucial for strengthening the case in a court of law. A proper forensic examination should be administered on priority. Rohypnol or roofies remains active in urine for 48-96 hours. GHB can be detected in hair testing, where the drug traces appear anywhere from up to 12 hours and can stay for months after ingestion. One of the major indications that you have been administered a date rape drug is having too few drinks to account for high levels of intoxication and feeling drowsy or having impaired motor skills within minutes. Alcohol and any such drug is a lethal combination and can have psychological and clinical negative effects on the victim.

Punishable by law

We do not have any specific law related to date rape or acquaintance rape in the Indian Penal Code (IPC), but section 375 of the IPC clearly that sexual intercourse without the consent of the victim is considered rape. It further confirms that consent obtained by intoxication is also rape and is a punishable offense. The minimum punishment is 10 years, and the maximum can be life imprisonment or the death penalty. This kind of rape is not exclusive to any particular gender, but the stigma attached to it creates oppression and silences the victims. Remember, having a drink on a date doesn’t give anyone permission to violate your body and it is never your fault. Stay safe and alert about people in cyberspace and real life, and spread awareness about date rape among youngsters.

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