Hi! I am the one – yes – that whore/slut/bitch – whatever you may call me. No, no – do not hesitate. It is absolutely fine by me. I am accustomed to being called names. That’s why I am writing this; a letter to my lover’s wife. When I was born, I was called a ‘burden’ because I was not a son. (Well, hello! The chromosomes did not listen to me so I am sorry!) When I was growing up and was not as fair complexioned as my other cousins, I was called ‘a bigger burden’ (kaun karega is kaali se shaadi!). Later, I decided to study Arts, out of choice – and I was suddenly not ‘bright enough’. So, I live in a society so naïve, living in its own world of clichés, that does not have the comprehension to understand/accept such basic things! Trust me, I do not expect that society will accept something as twisted as a love affair. That’s why if you live in this society you end up writing a letter to the wife of a cheating husband. 

Letter To My Lover’s Wife

If you are thinking why am I suddenly writing a letter to my married lover’s spouse then here is the reason. Dear wife of my beloved lover if you think that you are so perfect and so is your marriage, well what is your husband doing with me in the first place? You accuse me of trapping and misguiding your husband. What is he, two years old? Is he a kid who doesn’t know what he is doing? A. He is older than me (by several years). B. He is married, mature and with you from the past so many years. If despite all this, he was drawn towards me and I did not resist, how come when it comes down to the verdict of the great ethical society or you – it is only me who is wrong? Doesn’t a relationship involve two people? And, by the way, you would be surprised to find out that it was your husband who initiated this. I was attracted to him for sure but had resisted as much as I could. I had tried my utmost best to reason with myself that I shouldn’t be getting into this mess.

Don’t you dare call me a slut

He told me stories that he was forced into this marriage with you and that you two did not have a very amazing bond (which you keep claiming!). He even lied to me. I had no clue that yours was a love marriage. This fact does not bother me much now; it did when I found out. Married men entice single women. There is no denying that. He has also done the same, woven a web of stories where I got caught. Now I am bearing all the brunt. You are calling me a slut, society is calling me a home-breaker. How ridiculous is that.

It’s love and not just an affair

I love him and I love him like crazy and not because I am great. It is because he loves me back! So, if you cannot take a stand for yourself and your marriage, walk out of it or do whatever. Understand why it is not working out. He is not into you anymore.  I anyway do not understand the massive hue and cry on relationships in this country. Isn’t it an organic thing – sometimes marriages work, sometimes they don’t? Why can’t we accept these things naturally and let go of the propaganda behind all this? Remember this is a letter to the wife of cheating husband. Do you understand the implications? You are the wife, he has cheated on you that’s where your relationship stands. If he hadn’t cheated on you with me, it would have been some other woman for sure. Accept the fact that your relationship lacked intimacy, you didn’t communicate enough so it was doomed anyway. No don’t do all the blame shifting on me.

The other woman is not a devil

I am writing this letter to wife of cheating husband because it is sad that this society finds ways of cursing women in all situations alike. Nobody would want to discuss why and what happened. You should have known the signs that your husband is having sex outside the marriage and tried to fix things. They get only one thing – character assassination of the whore who stole some bechari biwi’s innocent patidev! It is disgusting! As a society, we really need to let others be and concentrate on our lives. Loyalty is great, love is greater and life is short. Let us live and let others live. When a celebrity walks out of a decades-old marriage to marry someone way younger or older – we accept that quite easily. Names like Brangelina and Saifeena are given by millions of fans of these star couples. Why does it become so difficult when similar things happen with people we know a little better?

It’s not at all my fault

Dear wife of cheating husband stop blaming me and look at yourself. See what went wrong in your marriage that he came looking for love in my heart. Yes, I can shout from the rooftops that I love him and it does not really matter to me that he is my married lover. We live in a world of new-age relationships where love is accepted in every form. We are not really monogamous, we can love several people at the same time, that’s why open relationships are gaining popularity these days. But do accept the fact that it’s love that we have and not just some flippant affair. I will stand by him in the good times and bad times even if you call me a slut, whore or whatever. I am not giving a damn! Yours sincerely, Somebody’s Mistress Note: This letter has been written after a keen observation of real people associated with the author.

Dear Wife Of Cheating Husband  This Is Why I Don t Feel Guilty - 12Dear Wife Of Cheating Husband  This Is Why I Don t Feel Guilty - 74Dear Wife Of Cheating Husband  This Is Why I Don t Feel Guilty - 48Dear Wife Of Cheating Husband  This Is Why I Don t Feel Guilty - 92Dear Wife Of Cheating Husband  This Is Why I Don t Feel Guilty - 38